7 Cost-Saving Benefits of AMR & AGV Warehouse Automation

7 Cost-Saving Benefits of AMR & AGV Warehouse Automation

Autonomous Mobile Robots in a Warehouse AMRs Warehouse automation robot agv warehouse automation

Implementing Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs) and Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMRs) in a warehouse can potentially lead to several cost-saving benefits. Here are some ways in which AGVs and AMRs can contribute to cost reduction:

  1. Labor Costs and Shortages: AGVs and AMRs can automate material handling tasks previously performed manually by human workers. By replacing or reducing the need for manual labor, companies can save on labor costs, including wages, benefits, and training expenses. Additionally, AGVs and AMRs can operate continuously without breaks, increasing productivity. You can also upskill these workers by investing in developing employees’ skills and knowledge; companies can reap several benefits, including increased efficiency, improved employee morale, and a competitive edge.
  2. Increased Efficiency: AGVs and AMRs can optimize workflows and reduce inefficiencies in warehouse operations. They can navigate predefined routes, pick up and deliver goods, and transport them to the appropriate locations, all without human intervention. This streamlined process can reduce cycle times, eliminate errors, and improve operational efficiency.
  3. Space Utilization: AGVs and AMRs are designed to operate in compact spaces and can navigate narrow aisles, optimizing the use of warehouse space. AGVs and AMRs can help maximize storage capacity and reduce the need for additional storage facilities or warehouse expansion by utilizing vertical storage systems and efficiently moving goods within the warehouse.
  4. Improved Inventory Management: AGVs and AMRs can be integrated with inventory management systems, allowing for real-time tracking and monitoring of inventory levels. This enables better inventory accuracy, reduces stockouts, and minimizes the risk of overstocking, leading to cost savings associated with inventory carrying costs and obsolescence.
  5. Reduced Product Damage: AGVs and AMRs are equipped with sensors and collision avoidance systems, reducing the risk of product damage during material handling. This can lower costs associated with damaged goods, returns, and customer dissatisfaction.
  6. Energy Efficiency: AGVs and AMRs are often designed to be energy efficient. They can be powered by rechargeable batteries and optimized for minimal energy consumption. Companies can achieve long-term cost savings on energy bills by reducing energy usage compared to traditional material handling equipment, such as forklifts or conveyor belts.
  7. Scalability and Flexibility: AGVs and AMRs offer scalability and flexibility in warehouse operations. They can be easily reprogrammed or reconfigured to adapt to changing operational needs, such as adjusting routes, adding or removing robots, or integrating with new systems. This scalability and flexibility enable efficient resource allocation and minimize the need for significant infrastructure changes or capital expenditures.

It’s important to note that the actual cost savings achieved through the implementation of AGVs and AMRs can vary depending on factors such as the, size of the warehouse, the nature of operations, the specific tasks automated, the initial investment costs, and the level of integration with existing systems. A thorough cost-benefit analysis should be conducted to assess the potential return on investment (ROI) before implementing AGVs and AMRs in a warehouse. Click below for a cost-benefit analysis and see how ABCO can help you determine your cost savings with AGVs, AMRs and a diverse array of Warehouse Automation solutions.


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Shannan Newsome

Shannan Newsome

Sr. Vice-President of Sales

Shannan has over two decades of Warehouse, Transportation, Logistics, Supply Chain, and Robotic Automation experience. She has broad and focused functional experience in the global arena, including Supply Chain Management and Global Logistics across multiple industries, modes of transportation, and systems working with clients across North America and Europe.

Unlocking the Secrets of Garment On Hanger Sortation System to Maximize Efficiency and Save Costs in Your Warehouse Operations

Unlocking the Secrets of Garment On Hanger Sortation System to Maximize Efficiency and Save Costs in Your Warehouse Operations

Warehouse and supply chain management can be a complicated process that requires streamlined operations to ensure smooth functioning. Every aspect of warehousing, such as sorting, picking, packing, and shipping, must be planned meticulously to meet the customer’s requirements and satisfy their preferences. When it comes to the garment industry, where multiple SKUs and sizes need to be managed under different brands, a proper sorting system is paramount. With over 50 years of experience in garment-on-hanger solutions, we have seen both the challenges and the advantages that can be presented. This blog post will discuss the garment-on-hanger sortation system, its advantages, and how it can be implemented to maximize efficiency and save costs. 

What is a Garment On Hanger Sortation System?

A Garment On Hanger (GOH) sortation system is an automated method of sorting, storing, and transporting garments. The system uses specialized equipment, such as overhead rail systems, conveyors, and sorters, to handle different types of clothes, hangers, and packaging. GOH systems increase productivity, reduce labor costs, and offer higher efficiency compared to traditional garment handling methods.

Advantages of a GOH Sortation System

Increased efficiency – The GOH sortation system is an automated process that can handle a high volume of garments quickly and efficiently. The system can sort, store, and transport the garments in a structured manner, eliminating chances of error and reducing handling time.

Better inventory management – The GOH system offers precise tracking and monitoring of garments, which helps the management team maintain an accurate inventory count. The system can also store garments in a designated location, making it easier for the team to locate and pick the desired garment quickly.

Higher storage capacity – With a GOH sorting system, there is less risk of damage and wastage of clothing, ensuring that the garments remain in good condition for longer. The system also offers higher storage capacity than conventional garment sorting methods, making it ideal for warehouses with limited space.

Sustainable operations – GOH systems help reduce the use of packaging materials, such as boxes and plastic bags, which contribute to environmental pollution. The system also offers more sustainable operations by increasing the lifespan of clothing, reducing carbon footprint, and promoting a circular economy. 

Implementation of a GOH Sortation System

Implementing the GOH sortation system requires proper planning, assessment, and execution. Here are some steps to consider when implementing the system:

  • Assessment of the warehouse layout – warehouses should have adequate space with overhead rails and conveyor systems to ensure the system can function effectively. It is advisable to conduct a feasibility study to identify the ideal areas where the system can be installed.
  • Integration of the system – the GOH sortation system should integrate with existing warehouse management systems to ensure seamless operations. This will require software development and hardware installation to ensure that the system can integrate into the existing environment.
  • Training and support – with any new technology implementation, there is often a need for training and support for the warehouse teams. The teams will need to understand how the system works, how to operate the equipment, and how to maintain it.

ABCO Systems is a premier provider of GOH sortation and storage solutions.  We have been installing GOH solutions for numerous apparel brands for over 50 years and bring this experience to all customers to provide the best solution to meet each customer’s unique needs.

For more information on ABCO’s GOH solutions

ABCO GOH Solutions


  • The Garment on Hanger (GOH) sortation system is an automated method of sorting, storing, and transporting garments, increasing productivity and reducing labor costs.
  • Benefits of the system include increased efficiency, better inventory management, higher storage capacity, and sustainable operations.
  • Implementation of the GOH sortation system requires assessment of the warehouse layout, integration with existing systems, and training for the warehouse team.
  • Integrating a GOH sortation system can help maximize efficiency and save costs in garment warehouses.
Enhancing Warehouse Efficiency with Pick Modules

Enhancing Warehouse Efficiency with Pick Modules

Efficiency and cost-effectiveness have never been more critical in a modern warehouse. One of the best ways to achieve these goals is by implementing automated pick modules. Pick modules can make warehouse operations more efficient, save time, and reduce labor costs. They also improve the accuracy of picking operations, provide reliable product tracking, and help to reduce the risk of errors. In this article, we will explore the benefits of pick modules and how they can transform warehouse operations for the better.

What are Pick Modules?

Pick modules are structures designed to optimize the storage and retrieval of warehouse products. They can be configured to fit the requirements of each warehouse to optimize space utilization and improve inventory management. The modules serve as a platform for organizing products and facilitate the picking process for warehouse workers. Stock-keeping units (SKUs) are stored in bins or other types of storage units in the modules, which can be automated to retrieve products for efficient picking.

Increased Picking Efficiency

Pick modules provide fast and efficient access to storage SKUs. Warehouse workers can pick multiple items simultaneously, reducing the time required for separate trips. The modules can be configured to store products at the height that best suits the operation, allowing workers to pick products comfortably and without strain. Additionally, automated pick modules are designed to operate at high speed, ensuring the right product is picked and delivered in minimal time.

Improved Order Accuracy

The use of pick modules improves the accuracy of picking operations. Automated pick modules use specialized software and hardware systems to track the location and status of the products. Picking processes are accurately and reliably automated, eliminating the possibility of human error. In turn, minimizing order errors results in increased customer satisfaction which translates into more business and better revenue.

Reduced Labor Costs

Pick modules can significantly reduce labor costs by automating the picking process. Warehouses typically require a large workforce to optimize picking operations. However, using automated pick modules to retrieve products reduces the number of workers needed during picking. The modules can also operate seamlessly around the clock, reducing the need for human labor during off-hours.

Sustainable Warehousing

The use of pick modules can also improve the environmental impact of warehouse operations. By ensuring that goods are accurately picked and efficiently stored, the amount of waste is reduced. Pick modules can be designed with an eye on sustainability, selecting eco-friendly materials, and enhancing the productive use of warehouse space.

Pick modules are a cornerstone of an efficient and cost-effective warehouse operation. By optimizing SKU storage and retrieval, pick modules to help warehouse management maximize inventory space and reduce labor costs. The modules also enhance accuracy, which helps to maintain operational efficiency and reputation. Automating the picking process with pick modules dramatically improves warehouse operations, supporting healthy and sustainable businesses. Pick modules are an intelligent investment for any modern warehouse operation focused on efficiency, productivity, and profitability.

ABCO Systems is here to help you and your business succeed in your automation goals. Our experts will work side-by-side with you to identify the best solution for you. We have a history of providing efficient, cost-effective solutions and finding the right pick module technology that works for each unique situation. That’s why we’re in partnership with an array of leading-edge technologies.  Trust our team to understand your needs and deliver a tailor-made solution with expert installation, knowledgeable service, and reliable maintenance. Your workflow efficiency can be significantly improved, increasing productivity and profitability. If you want an automated system that delivers in all aspects, contact ABCO Systems now and let us help you create the ideal automated warehouse.

Streamline Your Warehouse Distribution and Reduce Costs With Automated Storage and Retrieval Solutions From ABCO Systems

Streamline Your Warehouse Distribution and Reduce Costs With Automated Storage and Retrieval Solutions From ABCO Systems

As a supply chain and logistics professional, you understand the importance of efficient warehouse management. Time and cost are of the essence when it comes to the smooth functioning of your distribution center. If your warehouse still relies on manual labor for storage and retrieval, it is time to consider embracing automation. Automating warehousing tasks can help streamline operations and pave the way for a more optimized supply chain. This blog post will discuss how ABCO Systems can help you find the automated storage and retrieval solution that will reduce costs and improve productivity.

Increased Storage Capacity

Increased storage capacity is one of the most significant advantages of automated storage and retrieval systems. With automated systems, you can maximize your warehouse space while optimizing the storage process. The systems can help store goods more compactly and efficiently, freeing up much-needed space. With more space comes more inventory, which can lead to an increase in revenue.

Improved Order Accuracy

Automated storage and retrieval systems not only increase storage capacity but also ensure accuracy in order fulfillment. Manually picking and packing items can lead to human errors, such as picking the wrong item or a lower quantity of the item. An automated system makes the picking process largely mechanized, minimizing human errors. This leads to improved order accuracy and customer satisfaction.

Increased Productivity

Automated storage and retrieval solutions help improve productivity in your warehouse. By mechanizing processes, the solutions allow for quick storage and retrieval times, which leads to increased efficiency. Automated systems can also help eliminate time-consuming and labor-intensive tasks such as moving heavy items from one end of the warehouse to the other. These solutions can help employees focus on more value-added tasks, boosting productivity in the long run.

Cost Savings

Implementing automated storage and retrieval systems can lead to significant cost savings in the long run. With systems in place, you can reduce the amount of space required to store your inventory, thus saving on real-estate costs. The solutions also eliminate the need for additional personnel to pick and pack items, leading to reduced labor costs. Finally, the solutions help reduce human errors that can lead to costly returns and order fulfillment delays.


As your business grows and evolves, so does your demand for warehousing. Automated storage and retrieval solutions from ABCO systems are scalable and can accommodate the ever-increasing storage and retrieval needs of your business. You can expand the system as needed without incurring significant upgrade costs or downtime.

ABCO Systems has extensive experience in ASRS solutions as well as partnerships with the leading technology companies in this area. By working closely with our customers and Partners, we focus on finding the right solution for you and your specific situation. ASRS solutions can help you optimize your warehouse operations, reduce costs, and increase productivity. With these solutions, you can streamline warehouse storage and retrieval activities, improve accuracy and order fulfillment, and increase storage capacity. Automated solutions also help save costs and are scalable, ensuring your warehouse management needs are always met. By embracing automation, you can adapt to the changing needs of your business and stay ahead in the competitive world of supply chain and logistics.

Still trying to figure out ASRS solutions? Download our infographic on “5 Reasons to Purchase an ASRS”.

ABCO & Fetch Robotics – Innovative Distribution Solutions

ABCO & Fetch Robotics – Innovative Distribution Solutions

ABCO Systems offers design engineering expertise to provide custom solutions for material handling and distribution system design for their customers. This requires a team of professionals who understand the intricacies of the modern-day distribution center, and the right strategic partners to meet and exceed the goals of our customers.

We are excited to highlight our partnership with Fetch Robotics, a pioneer of on-demand automation. Intelligent automation can be the workforce multiplier needed to accelerate throughput and productivity. Automation reduces congestion in aisles, limiting interactions between workers and potentially hazardous heavy loads and equipment, enhancing safety as well as performance and productivity.

Being able to incorporate Fetch Robotics into our design engineering allows us to provide both innovation and resilience to personalize each design to the unique needs of the customer.
To learn more about ABCO Systems Solutions with Fetch Robotics, contact us at 201-429-0580 or at [email protected]. We look forward to providing you with your custom design solution with a unique blend of efficiency and resilience.

ABCO Systems – Solutions engineered for today’s challenges and tomorrow’s opportunities.